GrindLock Pinion Locking Tool
The Grindlock pinion locking tool is very simple to use, however, some people have had some difficulty understanding how it fits over the
pinion gear. Before you write to us and send us pictures and tell us the tooth pitch is wrong, please see the following pictures.

Variants of this picture are sent to us from time to time as proof the tooth pitch is wrong. The tooth pitch is absolutely correct, believe it or not. The tool will never,
ever, go on this way!

Instead, pull the tool away from the case and place the tool over the end of the pinion gear as shown. Notice how the tooth pitch now looks correct. That's the exact same pinion tool and gear as
shown in the first picture. Once in this position, simply push the tool away from you with your thumb. It'll slide right over the gear.

Presto, the tool is over the gear. Now just install the screws and snug them up.
If the tool still won't fit, even after doing it this way, call or write to us.